We will cut anything for you …
Besides a complex custom manufacturing and wholesale of textiles we also offer cutting services for sheet materials using our modern, precise and fast cutter.
We will deliver ready cut parts exactly according to your needs. We only need paper templates and we shall do the rest. We can cut for you a material purchased in our wholesale store or your own sheet material.
Contact us and we will introduce our cutter and its great advantages to you personally.

Benefits only
Nechte si nařezat dílce pro svou textilní výrobu u nás. Získáte tím mnoho výhod. Ušetříte si mnoho starostí.
What do we cut with?
In our workshop in Drzovice we have a modern, precise and efficient cutter GERBER PARAGON LX. This American machine is famous for its precision and cutting speed. And it is a real strongman, able to cut materials with the thickness of over 2 cm. Thanks to smart software we even can easily transfer your paper templates into electronic ones and ensure optimum parts layout for the maximum material utility with a minimum waste.
Contact us today
And let us cut your material fast and precisely